Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Just What Are Those Classifications?

For the upcoming Bonneville trip you may notice I included the roster of the 14 250cc bikes expected to run.  You will notice they are running in several different classes, what are they and what do they mean.  Well, the letter(s) before the hyphen indicate chassis construction and the letter(s) after the hyphen indicate the engine construction.  Below are tables with an abbreviated list of chassis and engine types that will allow you to decode exactly what each of these 250cc bikes actually is.


So, in the case of the first bike on the list #215B, he is running P-PP.  From the chassis chart you can see that the "P" is a unmodified production chassis.  The "PP" tells you that it is also a unmodified production pushrod engine.  So pick your favorite to set a new world record and we'll see how they do.

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